Represents a command.

Hierarchy (View Summary)



aliases: string[]

Command names.

argumentDefaults: DefaultArgumentOptions

Default prompt options.

category: Category<string, Command>

The category this module belongs to.

categoryID: string

The ID of the category this module belongs to.

channel: null | string

Usable only in this channel type.

The client thant instantiated this module.

    | PermissionResolvable
    | (...args: [message: MessageUnion]) => any

Permissions required to run command by the client.

cooldown: null | number

Cooldown in milliseconds.

description: any

Description of the command.

editable: boolean

Whether or not this command can be ran by an edit.

filepath: string

The filepath of this module.

The handler for this module.

id: string

The ID of this module.

    | string
    | string[]
    | (...args: [message: MessageUnion, command: Command]) => boolean

ID of user(s) to ignore cooldown or a function to ignore.

    | string
    | string[]
    | (...args: [message: MessageUnion, command: Command]) => boolean

ID of user(s) to ignore userPermissions checks or a function to ignore.

localization: Partial<
        | "descriptionLocalizations",
        Partial<Record<Locale, null | string>>,

The slash command localizations.

The key supplier for the locker.

locker?: Set<string>

Stores the current locks.

onlyNsfw: boolean

Whether or not the command can only be run in NSFW channels.

ownerOnly: boolean

Usable only by the client owner.

prefix?: string | string[] | PrefixSupplier

Command prefix overwrite.

ratelimit: number

Uses allowed before cooldown.

regex?: RegExp | RegexSupplier

The regex trigger for this command.

slash?: boolean

Mark command as slash command and set information.

slashContexts?: readonly InteractionContextType[]

Interaction context(s) where the command can be used

Only for globally-scoped commands

slashDefaultMemberPermissions?: null | PermissionResolvable

The default bitfield used to determine whether this command be used in a guild

slashDmPermission?: boolean

Whether the command is enabled in DMs

Cannot be enabled for commands that specify slashGuilds

slashEphemeral?: boolean

Whether slash command responses for this command should be ephemeral or not.

slashGuilds?: string[]

Assign slash commands to Specific guilds. This option will make the commands not register globally, but only in the chosen servers.

slashIntegrationTypes?: readonly ApplicationIntegrationType[]

Installation context(s) where the command is available

Only for globally-scoped commands

slashOnly: boolean

Only allows this command to be executed as a slash command.

slashOptions?: SlashOption[]

Options for using the slash command.

superUserOnly: boolean

Whether or not to allow client superUsers(s) only.

typing: boolean

Whether or not to type during command execution.

userPermissions?: PermissionResolvable | MissingPermissionSupplier

Permissions required to run command by the user.


  • Respond to autocomplete interactions for this command.


    • interaction: AutocompleteInteraction<CacheType>

      The autocomplete interaction

    Returns any