Class ContextMenuCommandAbstract

Represents a context menu command.

Hierarchy (View Summary)



category: Category<string, ContextMenuCommand>

The category this module belongs to.

categoryID: string

The ID of the category this module belongs to.

The client thant instantiated this module.

defaultMemberPermissions?: null | PermissionResolvable

The default bitfield used to determine whether this command be used in a guild

dmPermission?: boolean

Whether the command is enabled in DMs

Cannot be enabled for command that specify guilds

filepath: string

The filepath of this module.

guilds?: string[]

Assign context menu commands to Specific guilds. This option will make the commands not register globally, but only in the chosen servers.

The handler for this module.

id: string

The ID of this module.

name: string

The name of the context menu command.

nameLocalizations?: Partial<Record<Locale, null | string>>

Name localization.

ownerOnly: boolean

Usable only by the client owner.

superUserOnly: boolean

Whether or not to allow client superUsers(s) only.

type: User | Message

The type of the context menu command.
