• string does not cast to any type.
  • lowercase makes the input lowercase.
  • uppercase makes the input uppercase.
  • charCodes transforms the input to an array of char codes.
  • number casts to a number.
  • integer casts to an integer.
  • bigint casts to a big integer.
  • url casts to an URL object.
  • date casts to a Date object.
  • color casts a hex code to an integer.
  • commandAlias tries to resolve to a command from an alias.
  • command matches the ID of a command.
  • inhibitor matches the ID of an inhibitor.
  • listener matches the ID of a listener.
  • task matches the ID of a task.
  • contextMenuCommand matches the ID of a context menu command.

Possible Discord-related types. These types can be plural (add an 's' to the end) and a collection of matching objects will be used.

  • user tries to resolve to a user.
  • member tries to resolve to a member.
  • relevant tries to resolve to a relevant user, works in both guilds and DMs.
  • channel tries to resolve to a channel.
  • textChannel tries to resolve to a text channel.
  • voiceChannel tries to resolve to a voice channel.
  • categoryChannel tries to resolve to a category channel.
  • announcementChannel tries to resolve to a announcement channel.
  • stageChannel tries to resolve to a stage channel.
  • threadChannel tries to resolve a thread channel.
  • directoryChannel tries to resolve to a directory channel.
  • role tries to resolve to a role.
  • emoji tries to resolve to a custom emoji.
  • guild tries to resolve to a guild.

Other Discord-related types:

  • message tries to fetch a message from an ID within the channel.
  • guildMessage tries to fetch a message from an ID within the guild.
  • relevantMessage is a combination of the above, works in both guilds and DMs.
  • invite tries to fetch an invite object from a link.
  • userMention matches a mention of a user.
  • memberMention matches a mention of a guild member.
  • channelMention matches a mention of a channel.
  • roleMention matches a mention of a role.
  • emojiMention matches a mention of an emoji.
interface BaseArgumentType {
    announcementChannel: null | AnnouncementChannel;
    announcementChannels: null | Collection<string, AnnouncementChannel>;
    bigint: null | bigint;
    categoryChannel: null | CategoryChannel;
    categoryChannels: null | Collection<string, CategoryChannel>;
    channel: null | GuildBasedChannel;
    channelMention: null | GuildChannel | ThreadChannel<boolean>;
    channels: null | Collection<string, GuildBasedChannel>;
    charCodes: null | number[];
    color: null | number;
    command: null | Command;
    commandAlias: null | Command;
    contextMenuCommand: null | ContextMenuCommand;
    date: null | Date;
    directoryChannel: null | DirectoryChannel;
    directoryChannels: null | Collection<string, DirectoryChannel>;
    emoji: null | Emoji;
    emojiMention: null | GuildEmoji;
    emojint: null | number;
    emojis: null | Collection<string, Emoji>;
    forumChannel: null | ForumChannel;
    forumChannels: null | Collection<string, ForumChannel>;
    guild: null | Guild;
    guildMessage: null | Message<true>;
    guilds: null | Collection<string, Guild>;
    inhibitor: null | Inhibitor;
    integer: null | number;
    invite: null | Invite;
    listener: null | Listener;
    lowercase: null | string;
    member: null | GuildMember;
    memberMention: null | GuildMember;
    members: null | Collection<string, GuildMember>;
    message: null | Message<boolean>;
    number: null | number;
    relevant: null | GuildMember | User;
    relevantMessage: null | Message<boolean>;
        | null
        | Collection<string, GuildMember>
        | Collection<string, User>;
    role: null | Role;
    roleMention: null | Role;
    roles: null | Collection<string, Role>;
    stageChannel: null | StageChannel;
    stageChannels: null | Collection<string, StageChannel>;
    string: null | string;
    task: null | Task;
    textBasedChannel: null | TextBasedChannel;
    textBasedChannels: null | Collection<string, TextBasedChannel>;
    textChannel: null | TextChannel;
    textChannels: null | Collection<string, TextChannel>;
    threadChannel: null | ThreadChannel<boolean>;
    threadChannels: null | Collection<string, ThreadChannel<boolean>>;
    uppercase: null | string;
    url: null | URL;
    user: null | User;
    userMention: null | User;
    users: null | Collection<string, User>;
    voiceBasedChannel: null | VoiceBasedChannel;
    voiceBasedChannels: null | Collection<string, VoiceBasedChannel>;
    voiceChannel: null | VoiceChannel;
    voiceChannels: null | Collection<string, VoiceChannel>;


announcementChannel: null | AnnouncementChannel
announcementChannels: null | Collection<string, AnnouncementChannel>
bigint: null | bigint
categoryChannel: null | CategoryChannel
categoryChannels: null | Collection<string, CategoryChannel>
channel: null | GuildBasedChannel
channelMention: null | GuildChannel | ThreadChannel<boolean>
channels: null | Collection<string, GuildBasedChannel>
charCodes: null | number[]
color: null | number
command: null | Command
commandAlias: null | Command
contextMenuCommand: null | ContextMenuCommand
date: null | Date
directoryChannel: null | DirectoryChannel
directoryChannels: null | Collection<string, DirectoryChannel>
emoji: null | Emoji
emojiMention: null | GuildEmoji
emojint: null | number
emojis: null | Collection<string, Emoji>
forumChannel: null | ForumChannel
forumChannels: null | Collection<string, ForumChannel>
guild: null | Guild
guildMessage: null | Message<true>
guilds: null | Collection<string, Guild>
inhibitor: null | Inhibitor
integer: null | number
invite: null | Invite
listener: null | Listener
lowercase: null | string
member: null | GuildMember
memberMention: null | GuildMember
members: null | Collection<string, GuildMember>
message: null | Message<boolean>
number: null | number
relevant: null | GuildMember | User
relevantMessage: null | Message<boolean>
relevants: null | Collection<string, GuildMember> | Collection<string, User>
role: null | Role
roleMention: null | Role
roles: null | Collection<string, Role>
stageChannel: null | StageChannel
stageChannels: null | Collection<string, StageChannel>
string: null | string
task: null | Task
textBasedChannel: null | TextBasedChannel
textBasedChannels: null | Collection<string, TextBasedChannel>
textChannel: null | TextChannel
textChannels: null | Collection<string, TextChannel>
threadChannel: null | ThreadChannel<boolean>
threadChannels: null | Collection<string, ThreadChannel<boolean>>
uppercase: null | string
url: null | URL
user: null | User
userMention: null | User
users: null | Collection<string, User>
voiceBasedChannel: null | VoiceBasedChannel
voiceBasedChannels: null | Collection<string, VoiceBasedChannel>
voiceChannel: null | VoiceChannel
voiceChannels: null | Collection<string, VoiceChannel>